Thursday, December 19, 2019

Holiday Break!

Did not attend school for it is the HOLIDAYS!!


Today was really just a chill day as we already did our eqt for the quarter.


We took our eqt this day and i didnt do so well but hey at least its over for now.


Worked on a group poster for understanding the themes of the novel the color purple.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Group Activity

Today we worked in groups coming up with themes on each type of topic on the color purple. It was only getting hard as we was closing in on the last topics while everything was already taken by the time we got there so we really had to think. Overall though I had fun today in Class.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Ambassador Trip

Did not attend class was on a Ambassador trip working in community service.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Understanding 2

Today in Mr Rease class we continued trying to understand on how to do process of elimination for our multiple choice answers. We also took a quiz on the chapters we were assigned to read from yesterday.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019


Today in Mr Rease class we just went over understanding the meaning of the work as whole in essays. I'm starting to grasp how to do it but I still need some help with writing it out personally. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Shocking truth

Today we continued to read the color purple and find out a very shocking truth about nettie and celie "father". Apparantly pa isnt their actual pa, their actual pa got lynched by white folks and their mom just went with another man which is pa. This kinda changes the perspective of some of the story.

Monday, December 9, 2019


Today we worked and presented our chapters to the class. My mouth started to hurt during the presentation but I survived. After that we continued to read the color purple as we get closer towards the end.

Friday, December 6, 2019


Today in Mr Rease class we take notes of our letters in groups that he assigned us in. The letters we read were kinda interesting and I can see how it can affect celie overall. I also took my quiz today and made a 100.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Ambassador Event

I was Not Present in Class today but I had worked on my poem today for the competition.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019


Today we took a quiz in Mr Rease class it was pretty easy. We also read the color purple and celie went in detail on how she was raped to shug, that was the highlight if today's class.

Rease Gone

Mr Rease was not there yesterday so it was an off day. I was studying for my math test while in 3rd block 

Monday, December 2, 2019

Beaten Blue

Today in Mr Rease class we continued reading the color purple and it was sad. One of our favorite characters gets beaten bad and has to serve time in prison.  This made me feel a bit angry due to the situation that led to it, but I have to understand the time it was during. Overall I did enjoy what we ready today.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Purple essay

Today in Mr rease class we wrote an essay on the color purple. I think I did everything right but my claims I really hope I did somewhat of a good job on this.

Thursday, November 21, 2019


Today in Mr rease class we read a little of the color purple then starting to concise a paragraph and how it suppose to go as for tomorrow essay. I really hope it's not a hard prompt or something that I can do.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Letter to God

Today in Mr rease class we made a letter to God as POV from one of the characters from the color purple. Here what I did was Celie Mother.

Monday, November 18, 2019


Today in Mr Rease class we kept on working and figuring out hoe to make our claims better and more clear for our essays. I'm slowly starting to get it but I'm still having some trouble getting it right.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

the funny purple

Today we continued reading the book the color purple. Although it wasnt really funny we watched a clip of the movie that made me laugh a bit. But it had some truth to it sk I enjoyed it.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The color purple

Today we started reading the book the color purple and let me just say that this book is really graphic I mean really graphic. I was lost after the first 6 letters on what's going on but the knowledge that I do have I enjoyed.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


Today in Mr Rease class we did some class work on some poems that they had reviewed on Friday. I wasnt there to review with them so it was kinda hard for me. Never the less I finished most of the work.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Poem Again

Today in Mr Rease class we had to analyze a poem with our groups that he came up with. I'm not gonna lie I thought I was getting better at analyzing poems until Mr Rease hit me with this one. This one was hard for me.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Another one

Today we had Analyzed another poem and Mr rease decided to do a fake pop quiz. Wasting our time making us stress.

Monday, November 4, 2019


Today we had to create a poem to submit for a contest. The only hard part about it was trying to make it rhyme with different words. Other than that I had a fun time doing mines!

Friday, November 1, 2019

Fences essay

Today we did a in class essay on the play fences. I feel as though I got my point across but my essay is all out of order. My claim and evidence and commentary is just everywhere. I was able to finish but I dont think I wrote a good essay this time.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Suicide girl

Today in Mr Rease class we read two poems that was very heavy on the subject if death. I was kinda depressed from hearing the two poems yet they were very interesting
 But I was more focused on getting ready for the essay we have to write in class tomorrow. 

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Monday, October 28, 2019

Off day

Today, Mr Rease wasnt here today so some of us worked on our parts of the play for us to act out.

Friday, October 25, 2019


Today in Mr Rease class we worked on out Paragraphs on our prompt and got comments and feedback on how we did. We didnt do so great but we see all the reasons why and we are going to use it to improve our final paragraph. 

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Monday, October 21, 2019

The fence is gone

Today in Mr Rease class we finally finish the play fences. It was a very confusing towards the end but everything that happened wea very interesting. This play is probably so far my favorite one since it was interesting throughout. I dont want to get started on essays but I know Mr rease is gonna start making us write now that we are done with the book.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Man Responsible

Today in Mr Rease we continued reading the play Fences and we see the aftermath of Troy telling rose he is having a child. Rose accepts the child but says that troy is woman less yet does not say she dosent want to be in a relationship anymore. It is getting kinda complicated between the two but it is getting interesting.

10-17-19 Makeup

I did not attend School today I wasnt feeling very well and still isnt the next day

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Troy jumped the fence

Today in Mr Rease class we continued reading the play Fences and Lemme tell you it got real good. We just found out that Troy got another woman pregnant and he tried to appeal to his wife. There is something many things wrong but the story up to this point got really good. I cant wait to read the rest of it tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Essay evaluation

Today in Mr Rease class we went over some of our classmates essay on Macbeth, the essay we had to do for first quarter. After reading some of the poems it made me feel better about mines because a lot of people made mistakes just like me. I need to work on making my essays well written and concise, that is what I'm going to improve on during the second quarter!

Wednesday, October 9, 2019


No class we talked to Aubrun today about attending their university.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Troy's judgment

Today in Nr Rease class we continued reading fences and so far we are getting more insight on the character Troy. Troy Decisions are shaping his Character from what he grown up in. He truly believes that the things he say would make his son better because if what he had lived through and it kinda makes him seem inconsiderate but he is reasonable. I cant wait to continue the story, but we have a eqt tomorrow.

Monday, October 7, 2019


Today in Mr Rease Class we started reading another play. This one is called Fences and si far it had been very interesting with the interactions of each character. The play is flvery funny now but I feel like as we get closer towards the end it's either gonna get deep or sad but I cant wait. Also ready for our eqt on wedsnday.

Friday, October 4, 2019


Today in Mr rease class we had discussion on the yellow wallpaper and applied it to a question to where we can write a essay on it if to ever come on the test again. Although I was a little tired I enjoy having the discussion today.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Quiz hopefully minor

Today in Mr rease class we took a oral quiz on the yellow wallpaper. I thought it was easy at first until Mr rease started to get really in detail for the answers. Most people voted for a major grade but after seeing what we all made I just hope he scrawl that quiz.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Kahoot wallpaper

Today class was short due to 10 graders taking a pre act but we did a kahoot on the yellow wallpaper. Getting our facts straight and going over the Story overall.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

losing Sanity

The ending to the yellow wallpaper was very interesting. Jane lost her sanity to something that she wanted out of in the first place. The wallpaper symbolizes her as she slowly loses her sanity was a brilliant idea. I believe that other than the wallpaper there was other things that were making her insane. We also were put in groups and we are the BEARS.

9-30-19 Late post

Today in Mr rease class we started to read about the yellow wallpaper. So far it is an interesting read and cant wait to see how it ends. I learned a lot about how women were treated in the 1800s.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Gotcha Ya

Today in Mr rease class we worked on out introduction paragraph for question 4 of the ap test from 2018. We went over thesis statements and attention grabbers. I'm still working on perfecting it.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019


Today in Mr reass class we had discussion questions on the play the tragedy of Macbeth. We went over essential things need for the play and also covered some themes that can be used when writing an essay about the play.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Today in Mr rease class we finished the Macbeth play. I'm still confused in what happened since I was gone a day but it still was an Enjoyable read. Now we are getting in the process of writing an essay on the play!

Monday, September 23, 2019

Story Creattion

Today in Mr Rease class we come up with out own story with the details we all come up with. It was pretty funny but hard getting things in order for the story. I hope to finish the play tomorrow

Thursday, September 19, 2019

And Scene

Todag in Mr rease class we acted out our scene that we planned the day before. It was really funny and fun. I cant wait to make another one once we start reading the other plays.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Make your Scene!

Today in Mr Reass class we were assigned the task of making a scene that ties in with the story of Macbeth but with a twist to it. This was very fun to come up with our own scene and is excited to see how ours turn out. Cant wait to see how my classmates did theres.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

9/17 work

Act 2

Today in Mr Rease class we read act 2 of Macbeth. This is where the story gets interesting as we finally close in on the king being killed by Macbeth. Im really curious on how the kingdom and King Duncan sons find out Macbeth did it. So far the story is really interesting and I finally got to play a part in the play.

Monday, September 16, 2019

AP test

Today in Mr Rease class we went over some things we need to know for the ap test. We also read a little bit of Macbeth.  I still having been able to read a role but I'm going to be patient it will come.

Friday, September 13, 2019


Today I learned a little about coastal and their school. Tomorrow I take the act so I was more focused on that.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Macbeth play

Today in Mr rease class we started the Macbeth book. So far it is interesting, it was hilarious hearing my classmates play their parts. I might have to do my part tomorrow. So far it's pretty good though.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


Today in Mr Rease class we Reflect over 9/11 and answered questions on American related topics. I wasnt born when 9/11 happened so I can never tell how much of a tragedy it was. I am just excited to start the Macbeth play tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019


Today in Mr Rease Class we went over some essential things we need to know before we read the play Macbeth. I'm excited to see how the play turns out since we are doing parts for different people. I hope I'm not a main Character.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Friday, September 6, 2019

South Alabama

Today in Mr Reass class we went over our sonnets before we was introduced to southern Alabama. I enjoy learning about the school it was fun. I'm thinking of applying there to see if I get accepted.  Overall today was fun.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Sonnet 29

Today in Mr Reass Class we Analyzed Sonneg 29 with A partner to discuss about it tomorrow. The sonnet was interesting and also a little confusing. We also had to construct a question that can be argued from the sonnet with textual evidence.  Overall it was a chill day.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

You are a Bright Light to my heart today!

Today in Mr Rease Class we Had to make our own sonnet like William Shakespeare. Coming up with one was pretty hard considering all the syllables and Unstressed words need to complete one. I had fun creating one though, here is mines.

You are a Bight Lights to my heart Today.
Your Presence that can never fail to Annoy.
You make the sun bright up my Day.
The traits of thee brings me Joy.

Without you here, I can never do my part.
The Queen, Her nectar sweet like honey.
To be without you is like not having a heart.
You buy me more happiness then Money.

A burning desire to stay by your side.
Even death Cannot set us apart.
Anything with you is a thrill ride.
A painted picture, like a work of art.

Your bright light makes my heart shine.
Your love is like a dinner that is Divine.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

William Shakespeare

Today in Mr Rease Class we learned about Sonnets and Rhyme schemes, Stressed and unstressed words. It was pretty easy to learn,after that we read Sonnet 18. It was an Enjoyable read and a great discussion.  I think I'm starting to be able to Analyze poems alot better now.

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Assessment Re-upload

Today we took an Assessment on the Emily poems and I felt like i didnt do so great. The poems were interesting but the questions it was asking were Baffling. I really hope we go over the test on Tuesday when we come back.

(Originally posted on August 30 but wouldnt upload due to no Connection)

Thursday, August 29, 2019

What is your Idea of Success

Today in Mr Rease class, Me and my group presented our poem to the class and had a discussion about the poem. Mr Rease went into the insight of what a person means when they talk about success. People have their own meaning of success and I thought that was interesting. Other than that I enjoyed class today.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Success means alot to those who never win.

Today in Mr rease class we were assigned a poem for each group to Analyze. The poem we got talks about how success is a great feeling to those who never had success.  The poem was a good read and was fairly easy to understand at first read. I enjoyed myself and my group as we get ready to present Tomorrow. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Silence is Powerful

Today in Mr Rease class we read a poem called I felt a Funeral in my brain. When I first read it, it was a little confusing trying to figure out what was happening in the poem, but once we started a discussion on it it became clear for me. I overall enjoyed the poem and the discussion we had today about the poem and I learned that silence can be very powerful at times driving a human to go Insane.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

The Unknown

The Unknown Can be many things That people may wonder or may explore In life. An example of the Unknown is The Future. We dont know what to Expect in the Future but only Hope and dreams. Planning to do things in the future such as Going on a Fate or Places with friends bring Excitement to People, but can be disappointing if Your friends cancel before making You disappointed. Many people dont want to Experience the bad things in the Unknown which makes the Unknown very Scary and Have mixed emotions about it. Such as Graduating and entering a new school meaning you have to make new friends and meet new people all over again.Not knowing what's going to happen in the unknown is a Mixed feeling Experience.
The Unknown can lead to New Feelings, New Experiences,  and New Findings.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Argumentive Question

Meal time is Important because it gives us a Chance to Spend time with our Family and bond. Meal time can get You closer to your Family as to having Your parents and siblings come together and Discuss what's been going on In their lives. Talking with your Family can help you with your problems or even get advice on things that You may need help on. My mom would always Try and Pry into our lives and Asking about How we are and we discuss things that mainly Happens at school or with friends. It's a shame because people nowadays stay on their Own Devices and dont really Discuss or talk during mealtime anymore. When I got to a restaurant with my Auntie she would always make me put up my phone and talk because she Sees value in our Conversations while we are Together eating. Talking with Friends or Family during mealtime is one of the best ways to Communicate and get closer to your Family.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Weekend Blog 2

Didnt really do Much this weekend other than Read Some things and Chillong on social media. Working on a business project and listening to music as always!

Chapter 12 reflection

I feel as though Vivian should break 9ff her relationship with her husband because they do love each other. Even though she is afraid to lose the kids I believe they need to just do it. I also feel for Grant when he cant face emma From The wag Jefferson was acting in the cell. I also wanna know what this Ivy Day story is all about. Overall a good chapter

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Chapter 11 reflection

I feel as though in this chapter Jefferson shouldn't be acting the way he does. Pretending to be hog wont vid his case and I feel as though it make him seem immature and as if have given in to what people has called him. This shows that Jefferson thinking isn't one of a man. Hoping that Grant would leave him alone.

Chapter 10 reflection

In this chapter Emma tries to Get grant to talk to Jefferson himself in Hope's to get him to talk and teach him. I feel as though Grant shouldn't feel humiliated for doing this but I can understand how he feels. Emma despite doing this really has no one she can turn to.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Chapter 9

This chapter really makes You feel for Jefferson and the Situation he is in. As the audience feel the reality of Jefferson case as we go and visit Jefferson in Jail. Once they visit him he dosent even want to eat or talk as he says it dosent matter. Just how Gra t was saying it dosent matter if he Changes Jefferson into a man or not. Now that Grant has a good look and met Jefferson and see how he feels. I'm more curious on to how he is going to change him into a man

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Chapter 8 Reflection

This Chapter talks about Grant and His time being at the School when he was Young and With an Old friend Name Antoine. I begin to learn about how Your race really Effect how they were living back then. As we begin to learn that Grant and Antoine become self aware how far black People get with Education and that it is gonna be an endless cycle. Part of this makes me feel Bad for Our Community back then But Glad that some people in the world still had hope for Change.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Weekend Blog 1

This weekend all I did was chill and listen to music as I Do on a daily l. Getting ready for other things.

Chapter 7 Reflection

This Chapter Made me Confused on How Dr Morgan was treating the kids. I was Understanding on How they didnt have the resources as white schools but I believe that He should have been more Learning than Critique them. Although they need money I dont suggest that the kids should work even more in the field.

Chapter 6 Reflection

I'm glad to finally see Pichot in this chapter. Im Also glad that they are letting Grant see Jefferson. Although he says he dosent know how he going to turn him into a man I'm curious on how he going to attempt to Change Jefferson.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Chapter 5 Day 3 Reflection

This Chapter made me feel the emotion that Garmt was having while teaching the Kids. He wanted to help these children to not ever be in a Situation like Jefferson But I believe he is doing it in a Very hard way. These are Only kids and I understand he wants them to learn and never get into real trouble but I dont think Beating and Pressuring them alot harder will help the Case. I also think that He should have Apologized to the Cousin of Jefferson. He knew that she was his Cousin but didnt back down and I believe that was very low. I'm interested on What Henri Pichot Wants to speak with Grant about.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Chapter 4 reflection day 2

This chapter had me thinking alot why Jefferson didnt just try to escape. I Understand that he has his reasons for coming back to town. It also makes me feel very sad for him. I also wonder what things Grant us going to teach Jefferson before he die. When Grant says that he himself dont know how to live as one himself.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Chapters 1-3 Day 1

Chapters 1-3 had me thinking how the times are Back then in the 1940s. Jefferson made a stupid decision not to run or try anything I  his Case, Although he was not in the right mind i dont think that they should Make fun and use his race as an Excuse for him to plead not Guilty. I can also understand the feeling of Him wanting to escape from it all, factors like his race, and an unfair trial would also make me want to do it as well. Also from a Males point of view I would be disappointed that these people Called me a hog and not a Man when their people dont even Know who you truly are.That made me Alittle Furious.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

I Have a Dream Speech Rhetorical Devices

One of the Rhetorical devices used Mostly in the "I have a Dream" Speech is Repetition. Repetition is the Action of Repeating of Something being written or said. Martin Luther King Jr used this Device To Explain His Reasonings and Put These words in the Listeners Head. This rhetorical device is one of the Strongest devices used in this Speech, An example of him Using repetition is when he said "I Have a Dream" to show that the people shouldn't discouraged and Hope for the Future. He Also Says "Now is the time" a lot to Emphasize that The need for Change is Urgent for Most Black people.

Another Rhetorical Device that MLK Used in the speech is Metaphors. A Metaphor is a Figure a Speech used for an Object or action that is not literal. He uses this when he says "America has given the negro people a bad check,a check which come back marked insufficient funds". He says this do describe that Black people was being treated unfairly, putting them down saying they aren't as good as other Races.He also says "Negros is still Badly Crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of Discrimination". Also suggest that black people were judged for the color of their skins

This Speech also hold the Rhetorical device of Ethos which refers to Ethics. He uses this for
when he states "We hold these truths to be self-evident,that all men are created equal". He states this because he talks about how America's Creed is that every man is made equal, but the black men are treated nothing like other men in the nation would be treated like and he wants the nation to rise and live out the true meaning of that creed. He uses ethos again when he states that "Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God's Children. Also stating that God Made everyone equal and that fix this reality for many generations to come.

Friday, January 18, 2019


Blunders-A Stupid or Careless Mistake.
Incongruous-Not in Harmony or Keeping with the Surroundings  or other Aspects of Something.
Zany-Amusingly Unconventional and Idiosynoratic.
Mortification-Great Embarrassment and Shame.
Lofty-Of Imposing Height.
Septuagenarian-A Person who is From 70 to 79 Years Old.
Frolicking-Play and Move about Cheerfully, Excitedly, or Energetically.
Jeering-Making Rude and Mocking Remarks, Typically in a Loud Voice.
Ridicule-The Subjection of Someone or Something to Contemptous and Dismissive Language or Behavior.
Gratuitously-Without good Reason, Unjustifiably.

Many People do Blunders When They Grow up in Life. A septuagenarian gets great Mortification which makes them Jeering at all Times due to that remorse.These People like to Ridicule others Gratuitously as well while being Zany While doing it. They Remember the Days where they were Frolicking Incongruous.Old people these Days Dont have Lofty Thoughts of others around them But they Continue to live how they live.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Ideal American Dream

The Ideal American Dream is Mostly Freedom. A set of Ideals For Rights, Liberty, and Democracy for a Right Government . The Declaration of Independence Protects People Opportunity to Improve our Lives and Chase after the ideas and Dreams that they Have.Having an Ideal American Dreams Helps people and Shows what An American with Freedom of Speech can and will do with their lives there. The American Dream is really a Pursuit of Happiness for All Americans to Aspire forand America tries its best to Make that Happen.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

A Free Puppet

                                        A Free Puppet
You got to be This, You Got to be that
These are the people who chose a path for me
Be a Doctor, a Lawyer, an Engineer that’s the main Three huh
Why I got to be those I want Something else
Expectations Bring you Down because you want to Fufill
Twisted Faces when I Think Different
Different Taste makes me a Monster, an Outcast
But if that is the Case
I would rather be a Monster than Manipulated from them
I am me and Nobody can tell me who I am
Living how they want you to live isn’t living
Living How they want me to Feel like a Living Cycle
Thought I was Living in their Prison
But I’m the one Holding the Key
Pointing out the Puppets is to hard to do
But if you want to live that life You do You
Not afraid of being who I am
It feels good to be free
It feels good to be me!

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

What I Know!

During the Year of 2018 and Starting my Class with Mr Rease I learned a lot of things Starting with how to do an Argument Paper and A Synthesis Essay. I wouldn't Say that I perfected on doing them but i did Learn alot About those 2 types of Essays, I also Learned a little about other Cultures. The things I need to work on is More of doing Papers and Participating more In Class. I Also need to work on Being more Motivated to do my Work. The things i wanna Learn during this semester is how to Analyze poems Better. Breaking More Complex Readings Down, and Understand More Vocabulary also Expand on More Vocabulary as well.