Tuesday, January 15, 2019

A Free Puppet

                                        A Free Puppet
You got to be This, You Got to be that
These are the people who chose a path for me
Be a Doctor, a Lawyer, an Engineer that’s the main Three huh
Why I got to be those I want Something else
Expectations Bring you Down because you want to Fufill
Twisted Faces when I Think Different
Different Taste makes me a Monster, an Outcast
But if that is the Case
I would rather be a Monster than Manipulated from them
I am me and Nobody can tell me who I am
Living how they want you to live isn’t living
Living How they want me to Feel like a Living Cycle
Thought I was Living in their Prison
But I’m the one Holding the Key
Pointing out the Puppets is to hard to do
But if you want to live that life You do You
Not afraid of being who I am
It feels good to be free
It feels good to be me!

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