Tuesday, January 22, 2019

I Have a Dream Speech Rhetorical Devices

One of the Rhetorical devices used Mostly in the "I have a Dream" Speech is Repetition. Repetition is the Action of Repeating of Something being written or said. Martin Luther King Jr used this Device To Explain His Reasonings and Put These words in the Listeners Head. This rhetorical device is one of the Strongest devices used in this Speech, An example of him Using repetition is when he said "I Have a Dream" to show that the people shouldn't discouraged and Hope for the Future. He Also Says "Now is the time" a lot to Emphasize that The need for Change is Urgent for Most Black people.

Another Rhetorical Device that MLK Used in the speech is Metaphors. A Metaphor is a Figure a Speech used for an Object or action that is not literal. He uses this when he says "America has given the negro people a bad check,a check which come back marked insufficient funds". He says this do describe that Black people was being treated unfairly, putting them down saying they aren't as good as other Races.He also says "Negros is still Badly Crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of Discrimination". Also suggest that black people were judged for the color of their skins

This Speech also hold the Rhetorical device of Ethos which refers to Ethics. He uses this for
when he states "We hold these truths to be self-evident,that all men are created equal". He states this because he talks about how America's Creed is that every man is made equal, but the black men are treated nothing like other men in the nation would be treated like and he wants the nation to rise and live out the true meaning of that creed. He uses ethos again when he states that "Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God's Children. Also stating that God Made everyone equal and that fix this reality for many generations to come.

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