Friday, January 18, 2019


Blunders-A Stupid or Careless Mistake.
Incongruous-Not in Harmony or Keeping with the Surroundings  or other Aspects of Something.
Zany-Amusingly Unconventional and Idiosynoratic.
Mortification-Great Embarrassment and Shame.
Lofty-Of Imposing Height.
Septuagenarian-A Person who is From 70 to 79 Years Old.
Frolicking-Play and Move about Cheerfully, Excitedly, or Energetically.
Jeering-Making Rude and Mocking Remarks, Typically in a Loud Voice.
Ridicule-The Subjection of Someone or Something to Contemptous and Dismissive Language or Behavior.
Gratuitously-Without good Reason, Unjustifiably.

Many People do Blunders When They Grow up in Life. A septuagenarian gets great Mortification which makes them Jeering at all Times due to that remorse.These People like to Ridicule others Gratuitously as well while being Zany While doing it. They Remember the Days where they were Frolicking Incongruous.Old people these Days Dont have Lofty Thoughts of others around them But they Continue to live how they live.

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