Sunday, March 29, 2020

Another Week of Home

Im still trying to adjust to doing work at home and realizing that im not going back to school physically. Still hoping that i Graduate on time and that this Virus hopefully goes away after some time. Doing work online isnt my favorite since i have ti basically teach myself new material and i dont like doing so. So far my schedule is just waking up and doing either work or just chilling like i would for a day off. This is suppose to be my spring break but so far it hasnt felt like it since everything is on lockdown so we cant go anywhere im just stuck at home. I believe that things will go back to normal but I just hope it is soon because i miss my peers and want to see them again.

Thursday, March 12, 2020


Today was a very chill day and a great day to end of 3rd quarter. Today in Mr rease class we did our essay for our eqt. I feel as though I had did well writing it but I feel as though I didnt put it in the right order, other than that I think I did pretty well on the essay.  I really hope I end with a A in Mr Rease class! Overall a great day today and a great day off tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

movie dayy

Today in Mr rease class we watched the kite runner movie in class. It was interesting until t hff eyes started taking some moments from the book out in the movie. Other than that it was a chill day. Time to get ready for the essay we need to write for our eqt tomorrow.  I hope that I do good on it so I can keep a A in the class.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Speed dating

Another usual day at BC Rain today was faster than what I expected. Today in Mr Rease class we did a group assignment that wasnt really a group assignment.  It was speed dating for the prompt and we basically had 10 minutes to come up with a claim about each prompt at each table.  Mr Rease purposely chose the hardest prompts so it was kinda difficult, but I did the best that I can. Other than that it was fun and overall a great day in class today. We seniors basically get a day off tomorrow so YAYYY

Friday, March 6, 2020


Another day full of quizes and test for me and it went by pretty slow. Today in Mr Rease class we ended up taking a quiz that we took last year. I believe i made a 100 or 90 because i remember the contents of the quiz. After that though i had to go on a field trip for the band so i was only in class for half an hour. Overall a chill day in Mr Rease class but I have to finish this book now!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

CHapter Presents

Today felt like the day wen by really fast for me. Today in Mr Rease class we used what we did in our assignments from yesterday and were put into groups to present our information. Now my teacher knows how I feel about doing presentations but this time i felt pretty good going up there speaking in front of the class. I dont usually like presenting as i get a panic attack and a reminder of what happened in the past. Overall all the people in my group were great and i feel as though we did a good job. Overall a great day in class hope to get the same for tomorrow even though ill only be there for half of it.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Next Chapters

I thought today was a pretty normal day fidnt go by to fast or too slow. Today in Mr Rease Class we did an assignment for chapters 17 and 18 but we all had diffrent assignments assigned to us. I was given one that basically is a summary of one chapter and the other on was finding vocabulary words that I dont know and defining them. The assignment was fun as I had discussions with Mr Rease on alot of things such as care and college related things. Overall it was a very chill day and I hope tomorrow is as good as today!

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

AP Writing

Today went by super slow even though we had intervention today! Today in Mr Rease class we had analyzed question 3 and had us brainstorm on the past books we read to answer the question. It was pretty easy since Mr Rease showed us a easy way to breakdown the books and its events that apsired in them. I like this but i must become faster on the way i analyze it because on the AP Exam i only have 5 minutes to analyze but it took us the whole block to answer so. I became tired and weary towards the end of the block but overall today was a good day in class. Hopefully good again tomorrow even though we have some things to finish for him.

Friday, February 21, 2020

1-12 Chapter test

Well chapters 1-12 are now complete and we have took a test. I did pretty good on the test even though it was questions where you really gotta think and use Poe to answer most of the questions on the test. Now we have to read all the way to chapter 16, i havent seen how many pages it is so i cant tell if im going to have a good or bad break but i do know that i need this break from school. Ive been working non stop and i really feel as though i need a mental break from ath studying and reading and math. Overall a good day but i need to get away.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Chapter 12

This chapter was very long and very information heavy but it was funny seeing Amir act the way he did. In chapter 12 this chapter talks about how Amir and slowly falling in love with the generals daughter and we see him slowly progressing as he is getting the girl he is always thinking about. It was so satisfying seeing him get the girl but then we find out that Baba was diagnosed with Cancer and it is slowly going through his body see we can probably expect that Baba will die in the next chapter as time is progressing. Overall was a good read a very long one but it was semi interesting and semi boring as well.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Ch 9,10,11

Wow these next few chapters were really sad and just shocking all aorund. First we have Hassan leaving for good because Ali wants to get away from Amir. Then we have a truck ride getting somewhere just turn out all wrong for Baba and Amir. A woman about to get raped by a russian soldier that was on drugs, Kamals dying and his Father commiting suicide afterwards. These Chapters are getting very interesting and it just getting worse and worse for Amir as the story goes on. Overall its a very good read this time but its really getting edgy and gruesome so far but thats what makes this book really good!

Monday, February 17, 2020

Ch 8

Today readings were pretty tamed and not like how the past 2 chapters were. In this chapter we kinda already expected how Amir was going to act once he saw hassan get raped. Amir and Hassan started growing apart because of the incident and Amir don't know what to do. Amir and baba ends up going to their cousin house and celebrate the kite running tournament that Amir had won but of course Amir couldn't celebrate fully because of the incident. Rahim Khan comes and talks to Amir telling him that he can talk to him about anything to make him feel better in any kind of way. This chapter again was really tame compared to the last two chapters and it was pretty interesting seeing how Amir would act after the incident. Overall a good read for today but i feel as though much more pressing matters come in the future of the novel.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Ch 6+7 Whew

Ok so the book is getting very graphic and I like it but it is also very disturbing so be careful reading this. So in the next chapter Amir talks about why winter is so loved in Afghan as they have a annual kite running competition. This time Amir takes it upon himself to win the competition in order to gain acknowledgement from Baba. As the time progresses Amir wins the kite running contest all he has to do is get his kite and bring it back but Hassan ends up getting the kite, the two has to seperate in order to keep their reputations as hazara and pashtuns. Time passes and Amir is looking for Hassan to get the kite back only to come up to see Hassan getting raped by Assef and Amir does nothing to stop it. I felt very conflicted in the way Amir did not help his friend(even though they dont call each other friends). These Chapters really made the novel get more interesting as we see how Amir develops after such an event happened for him. Overall the chapters were really good but also very disturbing.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Ch 4 and 5

Today was a quick day again because of raider block so it was ok. Today in Mr Rease class we analyzed the first two chapters to read the next one for today. So far it is interesting learning more about how Hassan and Amir lives work as we get more into these characters. We also got a background on Baba and Ali which was interesting in itself. Overall a good read but im tired from the parade so i need to sleep.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Half day+ ch 1 & 2

I came to school half today due to my dentist appointment that i had.Today in mr rease class we read chapter one and it was pretty good. It had the narrator(whose name is Amir) talk about a past event that made him into the man that he is today but dosent go into detail saying what said event was. Amir then walks in the street of San Francisco where he lives now and sees a kite that reminds him of his past including his old friend Hassan who was known as the kite runner. Chapter two talks about the backgrounds of Hassan and Amir, Amir was in a wealthy family while Hassan was not, Both of them had no mother as Amir mother died giving birth to him and hassan mother ran off. A soldier claiming to ad slept with hassans mother tells him and tells him his parents are part of a group called Hazara and Amir is part of the Pashtuns and both groups have animosity against each other because Hazara is Shia Muslim and Pashtuns are Sunni Muslim. So far the book is a interesting read knowing both of the characters background.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Presentations pt 2 + Novel

Again because of raider block today went by pretty fast for me. Today in mr rease class we had the rest if the people that were scheduled to go today present today. I feel as though overall as a class we did very good with our project! After that we were giving a new novel called the kite runner. It seems pretty interesting but I feel as though this book will fall flat. We were also assigned researching food from Afghanistan since it ties into our new novel. Overall a pretty chill and interesting day!

Monday, February 10, 2020


Today felt very sluggish to me and very slow. Today in Mr rease class we presented our project from the poem we chose from Maya Angelou. Presenting today made me almost catch a panic attack in front of the class but I was able to pull through and overcome. This was a horrible experience but at least I presented and I made a good grade on it so it's a win win. Tomorrow we have more people presenting so it may be another chill day tomorrow too hopefully. 

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Mother to Son

Today was another quick day due to the raider block again so it was a good day. Today in Mr Rease class we read two poems that were povs of a mother to a son and a son to a mother. Both poems were really beautiful and they were quite easy to understand. The way society views manhood when you learned it from your mom is weird. My mother has been raising me into a fine young man and I really appreciate her for doing so. Other than the poems today was a great day in class and we have a test tomorrow so wish me luck!

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Scoring AP again

Today was a normal day and it didn't feel very different from how it was than the other days went by pretty fast after second block. Today in Mr Rease class we went and scored other peoples poems from the past AP Test and see how we are suppose to compose a essay for question 1 of the AP Exam. I'm starting to get how to make my essay better but I do feel as though I am still lacking in some areas. For example when it comes to commentary I feel as though i cant explain somethings better than reading the text but I will work on it as time passes on. Overall a good day in class but i can Improve on my work as a whole.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The Forbidden Word

Today was a fun short day for me, Yesterday felt like hours but today felt like time went by very quickly. Its probably due to us going to homeroom first block and shortening the time of regular classes again. Today in Mr Rease class we talked about words that offend us in any sort of way. I couldnt really think of any words because i usually dont care what people say to me. All of this ties in to the poem we read today about the N Word. The N Word is a word that offends many people and change how they view people when called said word. To me i dont really care who uses the word now im not going to fight over the word im just going to remove myself from that persons presence. Overall though class was very good today despite it being short.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Music and Myths

Today was a really slow day for me in my opinion it was real sluggish, it felt like its been hours in school until i get to 4th block. Anyways today in Mr Rease class we analyzed a poem for the question on the Ap Lit test. The poem was pretty good and was not hard to understand at all. I enjoyed reading the poem and the meaning of the poem where music make memories come back no matter what. I have a strong love for music and listen to it everyday its hard for me to go a day without it because they bring back good memories of home and i just love the mood i get from listening to music. Overall today was a good day in class, but it felt like it was 3 hours.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Still Maya angelou

Today was a weird day we went to homeroom first and after that time was just all weird so today i was feeling confused and anxious for some reason. Today in Mr Rease class we read another poem by Maya Angelou and it was really interesting, its called still I rise. It talks about how she gets a lot of hate and things come her way but she still finds a way to get back up and go through her life.  I found this poem really powerful because she is speaking the truth about how you should live life. No Fear and people will try to strike you down but always push through all of it. Overall again today was a good day in Mr Rease class and we take our yearbook photos tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Being black

Black is very beautiful and I love being the african American. It means I can be as free as I want to be. Being able to wear whatever i want and not worrying what people think of me. Being black has its disadvantages but I see it as a privilege that only pushes me to work harder than usual and I'm glad because I'm going to need it for later on in life. Being black is amazing and I love every second of it even though our culture gets criticized alot. Being able to happily carry out my ancestor will and carry out the traditions of our culture. The black culture is a Experience that I love to the max.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Monday, January 27, 2020

Black Culture

Today was a good day for me i didnt have to worry to much from anything today so i came into class feeling good and it got better as I came in. Today in Mr Rease class we talked about black culture and how it is looked on upon by other races. This poem was done by Maya Angelou and it was really beautiful i really like analyzing it. We also went over what we need to do for our senior project thats due sometime in April. I feel a little anxious about it but overall i think im going to do pretty good on it. Overall though a great day at school very chill.

Friday, January 24, 2020

The Dream

Today was a pretty normal day to me nothing bad happened until I got into Mr Rease class. Today in Mr Rease class we went to the library and checked out our books for our senior project. My book had to be found later on so it was ok. But our next lesson was reading a poem called the dream and it was quite interesting but I felt like I didnt understand it fully hence why I failed the quiz at the end of class. I felt very disappointed in myself but I learned from this experience. It was fun but ultimately class was a fail for me.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Rease is Back!

Well coming off an excruciating Second block my levels was really low today, but luckily Mr Rease did something to make me happy again. Today in Mr Rease class we was tasked of finding 10 songs that came from a memory that we had in the past. This activity was very fun and I loved going back in my past and remembering songs that created special moments for me. We also read a poem that was similar to our activity and I thought it was a good chill poem. Overall again great day in class this week so far has been good for Mr Rease class.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Chill day 2

Today i was feeling stressed because of the Calculus test I took before coming to Rease class so I was feeling pretty sluggish and stressed. Today in Mr Rease class we were working in our groups to make our two body paragraphs from our clusters that we made a week ago. My group was very supportive so the work was very easy for us to finish. The atmosphere again was very chill like it was from yesterday so I had fun today in Class. Mr Rease will be back tomorrow so classes will resume like it has been .

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Rease out Still working

Today was a very chill day, I didnt really have any problems except for it being cold I hate the cold. Today Mr Rease was out so we was assigned book work and to read a story. The story itself was very interesting and it showed how people can truly be good or bad depending on the person. The atmosphere of class was very chill and Calming, overall a great day in class today. Mr Rease will also be out again tomorrow so I hope it's the same feeling again tomorrow. 

Friday, January 17, 2020

Another AP QUIZ yeah i know right.

Today was a chill day for the most part, the class before me had me stressed out though so going into Rease class taking a quiz really gave me the booster I needed. So anyways we took another Ap quiz but this time it was really hard for me. I keep second guessing my answers that are right, I overthink way too much and i need to work on not doing that so much. Made a very horrible grade but luckily Mr Rease let us work in groups to correct out answers which my group ended up getting a hundred. After that we had the rest of the block off which was great because I needed a Breather for the rest of the day.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

More understanding

Another Day of learning more about the pardoners tale and understanding the passage as a whole. Today we worked in groups to find the answer to the questions but this time it was short answer and not multiple choice. I feel as though it really helped me though because writing my answer out helped me understand the better answers for multiple choice test. Even though today was pretty boring i pushed through all of the class and gave my 50% effort, which is a one up for me. Overall though great day in class no mishaps i was focused but not giving all my effort.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Today was a standard day as usual. I had to really think on something that was so simple but the way Mr Rease worded it made it harder for me to understand. Yesterday we were asked to make a question revolving around a certain topic.My group topic was the theme of the story at a certain part and we had to create a answer for our question. Our question was very wrong at first which kinda made me mad but overall Mr Rease broke it down for us so we ultimately understand how to make a question and answer for it. We also had to create answers for the other groups and it was fun to do so but also pretty challenging since others also had weird wording in their question.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Quiz + Intervention

Today was the start of intervention again for this new year. I felt very weird being on a new time for school again but never the less we still learned. I thought i was going to do better than an 83 on my quiz but i felt like i didnt put in the effort for this story so thats probably why I fell short of a A this time. I hope this next story that we read is more interesting than this last one but I cant wait to reead this next story!

Monday, January 13, 2020


Today lesson really taught me something about money and the people around you. Even though Mr Rease says the love of money is the root of all evil I feel as that there is more to that. Money in my opinion is a source of happiness and sorrow depending on how you chase after said money.  Money to me isn't all that much happiness its more of just a necessity but people can get real evil when it comes to money. Also the topic of chasing death really intrigued me as when you speak something into existence it will come true. I believe that this true as making something you want to come true can happen!

Friday, January 10, 2020


Today was another average day for me I felt like it went by quick. In Mr Rease class we finished the wife of bath tale and I felt kinda conflicted. I feel like alot of people might want a young and hot woman more than a Okd and faithful because they want to live in the moment. I personally think I would like a old and ugly person because loyalty is everything to me. The knight wasn't really punished at the end so it was kinda unfulfilling of the story. We also took a quiz on it and I felt as though it was not hard but I need to work on vocabulary.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

New Tales

I was a little tired today but I still got into the lesson for today. Today we read some of the characters Descriptions for the canneberry tales, we also read a tale about the wife of bath and her question for the knight really intrigued me. I wouldnt be able to answer the question because I really dont know what girls desire in life. If I was asked this question I would prolly get killed by the queen for my answer.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020


Today in Mr Rease class we watched a video about effort and how effort really define how well you can be in life. The more effort you put into something you can be more successful and have what you want. we also started talking about a book that has short stories and uses positions to determine how you are treated.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

New Semester

Today was the first day back for the new year and new semester! Today was easy but that's every first day back. We went and reviewed what we learned on the first semester and watched a pep talk on how we should appreciate high school.