Tuesday, January 22, 2019

I Have a Dream Speech Rhetorical Devices

One of the Rhetorical devices used Mostly in the "I have a Dream" Speech is Repetition. Repetition is the Action of Repeating of Something being written or said. Martin Luther King Jr used this Device To Explain His Reasonings and Put These words in the Listeners Head. This rhetorical device is one of the Strongest devices used in this Speech, An example of him Using repetition is when he said "I Have a Dream" to show that the people shouldn't discouraged and Hope for the Future. He Also Says "Now is the time" a lot to Emphasize that The need for Change is Urgent for Most Black people.

Another Rhetorical Device that MLK Used in the speech is Metaphors. A Metaphor is a Figure a Speech used for an Object or action that is not literal. He uses this when he says "America has given the negro people a bad check,a check which come back marked insufficient funds". He says this do describe that Black people was being treated unfairly, putting them down saying they aren't as good as other Races.He also says "Negros is still Badly Crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of Discrimination". Also suggest that black people were judged for the color of their skins

This Speech also hold the Rhetorical device of Ethos which refers to Ethics. He uses this for
when he states "We hold these truths to be self-evident,that all men are created equal". He states this because he talks about how America's Creed is that every man is made equal, but the black men are treated nothing like other men in the nation would be treated like and he wants the nation to rise and live out the true meaning of that creed. He uses ethos again when he states that "Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God's Children. Also stating that God Made everyone equal and that fix this reality for many generations to come.

Friday, January 18, 2019


Blunders-A Stupid or Careless Mistake.
Incongruous-Not in Harmony or Keeping with the Surroundings  or other Aspects of Something.
Zany-Amusingly Unconventional and Idiosynoratic.
Mortification-Great Embarrassment and Shame.
Lofty-Of Imposing Height.
Septuagenarian-A Person who is From 70 to 79 Years Old.
Frolicking-Play and Move about Cheerfully, Excitedly, or Energetically.
Jeering-Making Rude and Mocking Remarks, Typically in a Loud Voice.
Ridicule-The Subjection of Someone or Something to Contemptous and Dismissive Language or Behavior.
Gratuitously-Without good Reason, Unjustifiably.

Many People do Blunders When They Grow up in Life. A septuagenarian gets great Mortification which makes them Jeering at all Times due to that remorse.These People like to Ridicule others Gratuitously as well while being Zany While doing it. They Remember the Days where they were Frolicking Incongruous.Old people these Days Dont have Lofty Thoughts of others around them But they Continue to live how they live.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Ideal American Dream

The Ideal American Dream is Mostly Freedom. A set of Ideals For Rights, Liberty, and Democracy for a Right Government . The Declaration of Independence Protects People Opportunity to Improve our Lives and Chase after the ideas and Dreams that they Have.Having an Ideal American Dreams Helps people and Shows what An American with Freedom of Speech can and will do with their lives there. The American Dream is really a Pursuit of Happiness for All Americans to Aspire forand America tries its best to Make that Happen.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

A Free Puppet

                                        A Free Puppet
You got to be This, You Got to be that
These are the people who chose a path for me
Be a Doctor, a Lawyer, an Engineer that’s the main Three huh
Why I got to be those I want Something else
Expectations Bring you Down because you want to Fufill
Twisted Faces when I Think Different
Different Taste makes me a Monster, an Outcast
But if that is the Case
I would rather be a Monster than Manipulated from them
I am me and Nobody can tell me who I am
Living how they want you to live isn’t living
Living How they want me to Feel like a Living Cycle
Thought I was Living in their Prison
But I’m the one Holding the Key
Pointing out the Puppets is to hard to do
But if you want to live that life You do You
Not afraid of being who I am
It feels good to be free
It feels good to be me!

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

What I Know!

During the Year of 2018 and Starting my Class with Mr Rease I learned a lot of things Starting with how to do an Argument Paper and A Synthesis Essay. I wouldn't Say that I perfected on doing them but i did Learn alot About those 2 types of Essays, I also Learned a little about other Cultures. The things I need to work on is More of doing Papers and Participating more In Class. I Also need to work on Being more Motivated to do my Work. The things i wanna Learn during this semester is how to Analyze poems Better. Breaking More Complex Readings Down, and Understand More Vocabulary also Expand on More Vocabulary as well.