Friday, February 21, 2020

1-12 Chapter test

Well chapters 1-12 are now complete and we have took a test. I did pretty good on the test even though it was questions where you really gotta think and use Poe to answer most of the questions on the test. Now we have to read all the way to chapter 16, i havent seen how many pages it is so i cant tell if im going to have a good or bad break but i do know that i need this break from school. Ive been working non stop and i really feel as though i need a mental break from ath studying and reading and math. Overall a good day but i need to get away.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Chapter 12

This chapter was very long and very information heavy but it was funny seeing Amir act the way he did. In chapter 12 this chapter talks about how Amir and slowly falling in love with the generals daughter and we see him slowly progressing as he is getting the girl he is always thinking about. It was so satisfying seeing him get the girl but then we find out that Baba was diagnosed with Cancer and it is slowly going through his body see we can probably expect that Baba will die in the next chapter as time is progressing. Overall was a good read a very long one but it was semi interesting and semi boring as well.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Ch 9,10,11

Wow these next few chapters were really sad and just shocking all aorund. First we have Hassan leaving for good because Ali wants to get away from Amir. Then we have a truck ride getting somewhere just turn out all wrong for Baba and Amir. A woman about to get raped by a russian soldier that was on drugs, Kamals dying and his Father commiting suicide afterwards. These Chapters are getting very interesting and it just getting worse and worse for Amir as the story goes on. Overall its a very good read this time but its really getting edgy and gruesome so far but thats what makes this book really good!

Monday, February 17, 2020

Ch 8

Today readings were pretty tamed and not like how the past 2 chapters were. In this chapter we kinda already expected how Amir was going to act once he saw hassan get raped. Amir and Hassan started growing apart because of the incident and Amir don't know what to do. Amir and baba ends up going to their cousin house and celebrate the kite running tournament that Amir had won but of course Amir couldn't celebrate fully because of the incident. Rahim Khan comes and talks to Amir telling him that he can talk to him about anything to make him feel better in any kind of way. This chapter again was really tame compared to the last two chapters and it was pretty interesting seeing how Amir would act after the incident. Overall a good read for today but i feel as though much more pressing matters come in the future of the novel.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Ch 6+7 Whew

Ok so the book is getting very graphic and I like it but it is also very disturbing so be careful reading this. So in the next chapter Amir talks about why winter is so loved in Afghan as they have a annual kite running competition. This time Amir takes it upon himself to win the competition in order to gain acknowledgement from Baba. As the time progresses Amir wins the kite running contest all he has to do is get his kite and bring it back but Hassan ends up getting the kite, the two has to seperate in order to keep their reputations as hazara and pashtuns. Time passes and Amir is looking for Hassan to get the kite back only to come up to see Hassan getting raped by Assef and Amir does nothing to stop it. I felt very conflicted in the way Amir did not help his friend(even though they dont call each other friends). These Chapters really made the novel get more interesting as we see how Amir develops after such an event happened for him. Overall the chapters were really good but also very disturbing.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Ch 4 and 5

Today was a quick day again because of raider block so it was ok. Today in Mr Rease class we analyzed the first two chapters to read the next one for today. So far it is interesting learning more about how Hassan and Amir lives work as we get more into these characters. We also got a background on Baba and Ali which was interesting in itself. Overall a good read but im tired from the parade so i need to sleep.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Half day+ ch 1 & 2

I came to school half today due to my dentist appointment that i had.Today in mr rease class we read chapter one and it was pretty good. It had the narrator(whose name is Amir) talk about a past event that made him into the man that he is today but dosent go into detail saying what said event was. Amir then walks in the street of San Francisco where he lives now and sees a kite that reminds him of his past including his old friend Hassan who was known as the kite runner. Chapter two talks about the backgrounds of Hassan and Amir, Amir was in a wealthy family while Hassan was not, Both of them had no mother as Amir mother died giving birth to him and hassan mother ran off. A soldier claiming to ad slept with hassans mother tells him and tells him his parents are part of a group called Hazara and Amir is part of the Pashtuns and both groups have animosity against each other because Hazara is Shia Muslim and Pashtuns are Sunni Muslim. So far the book is a interesting read knowing both of the characters background.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Presentations pt 2 + Novel

Again because of raider block today went by pretty fast for me. Today in mr rease class we had the rest if the people that were scheduled to go today present today. I feel as though overall as a class we did very good with our project! After that we were giving a new novel called the kite runner. It seems pretty interesting but I feel as though this book will fall flat. We were also assigned researching food from Afghanistan since it ties into our new novel. Overall a pretty chill and interesting day!

Monday, February 10, 2020


Today felt very sluggish to me and very slow. Today in Mr rease class we presented our project from the poem we chose from Maya Angelou. Presenting today made me almost catch a panic attack in front of the class but I was able to pull through and overcome. This was a horrible experience but at least I presented and I made a good grade on it so it's a win win. Tomorrow we have more people presenting so it may be another chill day tomorrow too hopefully. 

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Mother to Son

Today was another quick day due to the raider block again so it was a good day. Today in Mr Rease class we read two poems that were povs of a mother to a son and a son to a mother. Both poems were really beautiful and they were quite easy to understand. The way society views manhood when you learned it from your mom is weird. My mother has been raising me into a fine young man and I really appreciate her for doing so. Other than the poems today was a great day in class and we have a test tomorrow so wish me luck!

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Scoring AP again

Today was a normal day and it didn't feel very different from how it was than the other days went by pretty fast after second block. Today in Mr Rease class we went and scored other peoples poems from the past AP Test and see how we are suppose to compose a essay for question 1 of the AP Exam. I'm starting to get how to make my essay better but I do feel as though I am still lacking in some areas. For example when it comes to commentary I feel as though i cant explain somethings better than reading the text but I will work on it as time passes on. Overall a good day in class but i can Improve on my work as a whole.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The Forbidden Word

Today was a fun short day for me, Yesterday felt like hours but today felt like time went by very quickly. Its probably due to us going to homeroom first block and shortening the time of regular classes again. Today in Mr Rease class we talked about words that offend us in any sort of way. I couldnt really think of any words because i usually dont care what people say to me. All of this ties in to the poem we read today about the N Word. The N Word is a word that offends many people and change how they view people when called said word. To me i dont really care who uses the word now im not going to fight over the word im just going to remove myself from that persons presence. Overall though class was very good today despite it being short.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Music and Myths

Today was a really slow day for me in my opinion it was real sluggish, it felt like its been hours in school until i get to 4th block. Anyways today in Mr Rease class we analyzed a poem for the question on the Ap Lit test. The poem was pretty good and was not hard to understand at all. I enjoyed reading the poem and the meaning of the poem where music make memories come back no matter what. I have a strong love for music and listen to it everyday its hard for me to go a day without it because they bring back good memories of home and i just love the mood i get from listening to music. Overall today was a good day in class, but it felt like it was 3 hours.