Sunday, August 26, 2018

Rease's Assignement

                                                         Objective Summary!
1.) This Article is About the PCT Trail and How Dangerous it has been to Many People.This Article Talks About How to Keep People from Having more Injuries or Any more Accidents.They Teach You how to be safe and Precautions you can take in order to stay safe on the trail of PCT.It also tells the Harsh Enviorment and severe Conditions that Hikers have to go through in Order To get used to trails.Basically a long list of Do's and Dont's.
                                                      Three Facts I Learned From Article!
2.)The Pacific Crest Trail Association is Not a Search and Rescue Organization and shouldn't be considered!
The PCT is a Wilderness Experience and is a Intrinsic Risk that goes through Conditions Both Hot and Cold.
You Cant go Hiking without the proper Gear or Experience.
                                                        Two Interesting Things I learned!
3.)One thing that I learned from this Article is that Trails are More Dangerous than they apear to be,Bring the wrong gear and You can be in serious Danger.Another thing that I learned is that The PCT Gives you a Great wilderness Experience and You Can Experience alot of diffrent things From this Trail!
                                                  Two Unanswered Quations!
4.)What do You Need to bring for Trail Like this other Than Water And Food and Warmer Sleeping Bags?(Material Wise) What Do we do if we end up getting lost on the Hike and in Severe Conditions                                                                  Two Words To Define about the Article!
5.)Hypontremia-Symptoms that includes Nausea,Headache,Confusion,Fatigue.This Word is Important to the Article Because it Describes what Happens when you get sick on the trail,Tells you what is wrong with you.
Intrinsic-Belongings that are Essential.This describes what is naturally is needed for Hikes and trails like this Article.
6.)One Connection That I made From this Article is That I need to be Careful and Have Knowledge about things that im going to do,Always Be Prepared For everything that you want to experience in Life!

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