Sunday, March 29, 2020

Another Week of Home

Im still trying to adjust to doing work at home and realizing that im not going back to school physically. Still hoping that i Graduate on time and that this Virus hopefully goes away after some time. Doing work online isnt my favorite since i have ti basically teach myself new material and i dont like doing so. So far my schedule is just waking up and doing either work or just chilling like i would for a day off. This is suppose to be my spring break but so far it hasnt felt like it since everything is on lockdown so we cant go anywhere im just stuck at home. I believe that things will go back to normal but I just hope it is soon because i miss my peers and want to see them again.

Thursday, March 12, 2020


Today was a very chill day and a great day to end of 3rd quarter. Today in Mr rease class we did our essay for our eqt. I feel as though I had did well writing it but I feel as though I didnt put it in the right order, other than that I think I did pretty well on the essay.  I really hope I end with a A in Mr Rease class! Overall a great day today and a great day off tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

movie dayy

Today in Mr rease class we watched the kite runner movie in class. It was interesting until t hff eyes started taking some moments from the book out in the movie. Other than that it was a chill day. Time to get ready for the essay we need to write for our eqt tomorrow.  I hope that I do good on it so I can keep a A in the class.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Speed dating

Another usual day at BC Rain today was faster than what I expected. Today in Mr Rease class we did a group assignment that wasnt really a group assignment.  It was speed dating for the prompt and we basically had 10 minutes to come up with a claim about each prompt at each table.  Mr Rease purposely chose the hardest prompts so it was kinda difficult, but I did the best that I can. Other than that it was fun and overall a great day in class today. We seniors basically get a day off tomorrow so YAYYY

Friday, March 6, 2020


Another day full of quizes and test for me and it went by pretty slow. Today in Mr Rease class we ended up taking a quiz that we took last year. I believe i made a 100 or 90 because i remember the contents of the quiz. After that though i had to go on a field trip for the band so i was only in class for half an hour. Overall a chill day in Mr Rease class but I have to finish this book now!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

CHapter Presents

Today felt like the day wen by really fast for me. Today in Mr Rease class we used what we did in our assignments from yesterday and were put into groups to present our information. Now my teacher knows how I feel about doing presentations but this time i felt pretty good going up there speaking in front of the class. I dont usually like presenting as i get a panic attack and a reminder of what happened in the past. Overall all the people in my group were great and i feel as though we did a good job. Overall a great day in class hope to get the same for tomorrow even though ill only be there for half of it.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Next Chapters

I thought today was a pretty normal day fidnt go by to fast or too slow. Today in Mr Rease Class we did an assignment for chapters 17 and 18 but we all had diffrent assignments assigned to us. I was given one that basically is a summary of one chapter and the other on was finding vocabulary words that I dont know and defining them. The assignment was fun as I had discussions with Mr Rease on alot of things such as care and college related things. Overall it was a very chill day and I hope tomorrow is as good as today!

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

AP Writing

Today went by super slow even though we had intervention today! Today in Mr Rease class we had analyzed question 3 and had us brainstorm on the past books we read to answer the question. It was pretty easy since Mr Rease showed us a easy way to breakdown the books and its events that apsired in them. I like this but i must become faster on the way i analyze it because on the AP Exam i only have 5 minutes to analyze but it took us the whole block to answer so. I became tired and weary towards the end of the block but overall today was a good day in class. Hopefully good again tomorrow even though we have some things to finish for him.