Sunday, February 24, 2019

Weekend Blog 2

Didnt really do Much this weekend other than Read Some things and Chillong on social media. Working on a business project and listening to music as always!

Chapter 12 reflection

I feel as though Vivian should break 9ff her relationship with her husband because they do love each other. Even though she is afraid to lose the kids I believe they need to just do it. I also feel for Grant when he cant face emma From The wag Jefferson was acting in the cell. I also wanna know what this Ivy Day story is all about. Overall a good chapter

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Chapter 11 reflection

I feel as though in this chapter Jefferson shouldn't be acting the way he does. Pretending to be hog wont vid his case and I feel as though it make him seem immature and as if have given in to what people has called him. This shows that Jefferson thinking isn't one of a man. Hoping that Grant would leave him alone.

Chapter 10 reflection

In this chapter Emma tries to Get grant to talk to Jefferson himself in Hope's to get him to talk and teach him. I feel as though Grant shouldn't feel humiliated for doing this but I can understand how he feels. Emma despite doing this really has no one she can turn to.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Chapter 9

This chapter really makes You feel for Jefferson and the Situation he is in. As the audience feel the reality of Jefferson case as we go and visit Jefferson in Jail. Once they visit him he dosent even want to eat or talk as he says it dosent matter. Just how Gra t was saying it dosent matter if he Changes Jefferson into a man or not. Now that Grant has a good look and met Jefferson and see how he feels. I'm more curious on to how he is going to change him into a man

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Chapter 8 Reflection

This Chapter talks about Grant and His time being at the School when he was Young and With an Old friend Name Antoine. I begin to learn about how Your race really Effect how they were living back then. As we begin to learn that Grant and Antoine become self aware how far black People get with Education and that it is gonna be an endless cycle. Part of this makes me feel Bad for Our Community back then But Glad that some people in the world still had hope for Change.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Weekend Blog 1

This weekend all I did was chill and listen to music as I Do on a daily l. Getting ready for other things.

Chapter 7 Reflection

This Chapter Made me Confused on How Dr Morgan was treating the kids. I was Understanding on How they didnt have the resources as white schools but I believe that He should have been more Learning than Critique them. Although they need money I dont suggest that the kids should work even more in the field.

Chapter 6 Reflection

I'm glad to finally see Pichot in this chapter. Im Also glad that they are letting Grant see Jefferson. Although he says he dosent know how he going to turn him into a man I'm curious on how he going to attempt to Change Jefferson.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Chapter 5 Day 3 Reflection

This Chapter made me feel the emotion that Garmt was having while teaching the Kids. He wanted to help these children to not ever be in a Situation like Jefferson But I believe he is doing it in a Very hard way. These are Only kids and I understand he wants them to learn and never get into real trouble but I dont think Beating and Pressuring them alot harder will help the Case. I also think that He should have Apologized to the Cousin of Jefferson. He knew that she was his Cousin but didnt back down and I believe that was very low. I'm interested on What Henri Pichot Wants to speak with Grant about.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Chapter 4 reflection day 2

This chapter had me thinking alot why Jefferson didnt just try to escape. I Understand that he has his reasons for coming back to town. It also makes me feel very sad for him. I also wonder what things Grant us going to teach Jefferson before he die. When Grant says that he himself dont know how to live as one himself.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Chapters 1-3 Day 1

Chapters 1-3 had me thinking how the times are Back then in the 1940s. Jefferson made a stupid decision not to run or try anything I  his Case, Although he was not in the right mind i dont think that they should Make fun and use his race as an Excuse for him to plead not Guilty. I can also understand the feeling of Him wanting to escape from it all, factors like his race, and an unfair trial would also make me want to do it as well. Also from a Males point of view I would be disappointed that these people Called me a hog and not a Man when their people dont even Know who you truly are.That made me Alittle Furious.